Digital Media Club of Aalto University - DOT ry


Are you interested in demos, graphics, programming, video games or something similar? If your answer is yes then you’re probably interested in DOT as well!

DOT gathers people who are interested in digital media and the audiovisual possibilities in computers. We host events such as: saunas, demo nights, gaming nights, company visits, educational nights and hackathons! We share an interest in the demoscene and the gaming industry. We also organize Graffathon every year.


The majority of DOT members (around 100 at the moment) are studying at Aalto University, but some of us come from other universities in the Helsinki area or have already graduated.

DOT ry is an organisation under the Aalto University Student Union (AYY). AYY is a student organisation with 15,000 members, including all students studying for a Bachelor's or Master's degree at Aalto University.